Moses is turning 1!

  Posted on July 4, 2024 by Phoebe Chan

Moses's 1st Birthday


Support his birthday fundraiser

to send love to the other side of the world!


For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.
But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.
– 1 Timothy 6:7-8


Dear Friends and Family,

Our son, Moses Law, is turning 1 on 5 August 2024! We have been blessed by God and we are very grateful for all your love for Moses and us. That is why we want to send and share this love and blessing to the people in the Republic of Congo, Africa, and help restore their eyesight. If you were planning to buy gifts for Moses, it would be much appreciated if you could use the money to donate to our campaign with the charity New Sight. Your generous support would be the best birthday gift to Moses!

New Sight serves in Congo to bring sight to the visually impaired. Through surgery, which costs around GBP£100, a patient can regain their sight, and receive change in their lives and their families’ lives as well. Your thoughtful contribution will support New Sight to help more patients and make Moses’s first birthday incredibly meaningful! Please refer to information on New Sight and the Ouesso Eye Hospital Project to see to where your funds will go. Any donation will help, no donation is too small!

To support our campaign, please choose your currency/region, and leave a comment to our family! We would love to hear from you!

    • For HKD donations and Hong Kong receipts, please go to below form.
    • For GBP donations and UK receipts, please go to New Sight’s UK page.
    • For USD donations and US receipts, please visit New Sight’s US donation page, and send our family an email via New Sight that you’ve supported this fundraiser!
    • For donations from other countries, please go to below form and change the currency.

Thank you for your kindness and support. We couldn’t do this without generous family and friends like you!


The Law Family



Chloris Leung



Stephanie Ng


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