Joyce’s Birthday Fundraiser


Dear friends of Joyce,

It’s Joyce Samoutou-Wong’s birthday month, and we invite you to turn your well wishes and presents into donations this birthday month to her favourite charity: New Sight! Joyce and Henri Samoutou, through New Sight, provide accessible eye care to preserve and restore sight, and empower the local community in the Republic of the Congo. They are now leading the team to build a new hospital in Ouesso and fitting it out with equipment, wards and beds, consultation offices, and various facilities! Knowing Joyce, we at the New Sight team can tell she would be thrilled to get your support as a birthday present. It really is her heart’s desire to see lives being changed and sight being restored. No other birthday gift she will receive can beat this!

Will you consider contributing to her birthday campaign? Your thoughtful contribution will go really far towards achieving New Sight’s goals for 2024. Please refer to the shopping needs for our new home and our construction updates to see where exactly your funds will go. Any donation will help!

To support this campaign, please donate below: you can choose to donate from the UK, US, Canada and Hong Kong, where we (and our partners) can issue tax-deductible receipts. Drop us an email to tell us about your birthday gift and wishes. Thank you in advance for your generous gifts to Joyce!



Gratefully yours,
New Sight Executive Committee



今個月是宋黃凱欣的生日月,我們誠摯邀請您在這個三月將祝福和禮物捐給她最愛的慈善機構: “目養計劃”! 凱欣和安理透過目養計劃慈善機構,為剛果共和國提供無障礙眼科護理,以保護和恢復視力,並增強當地社區的能力。 目前,他們正帶領團隊在韋索建造一所新醫院,並為醫院配備設備、病房和病床、診室以及各種設施! 我們目養計劃團隊了解凱欣,知道她會非常高興能得到你們的支持,作為她的生日禮物。 看到人們的生活得到改變,視力得到恢復,這確實是她內心的願望。 她收到的任何生日禮物都無法與之相比!

您會考慮為她的生日活動捐款嗎? 您的愛心捐款將大大有助於實現目養計劃 2024 年的目標。 請參閱我們新家的購物需求和我們的醫院工程進度,以了解您的資金將具體用於何處。 任何捐款都將有所幫助!

要支持這項活動,請在下方捐款:您可以選擇從英國、美國、加拿大和香港捐款,我們(和我們的合作夥伴)可以在這些地方開出免稅收據。然後給我們發送電子郵件,告訴我們您送出的生日禮物和祝福。 感謝您為凱欣慷慨解囊!


