Making Way for Sight Calendar 2024

“If you are walking down the right path, and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress.” ~ Barack Obama

Dear friends,

Hello from the Republic of Congo!!

Did you know, 90% of blindness and vision loss is avoidable? but sadly, for many in Congo, access to eye care is not possible. New Sight, a charity that our parents founded, has been helping blind people see again in Congo since 2012. We are building a brand-new hospital in Ouesso and God willing, the eye block will open in 2024! This facility in a strategic location will make a way for more patients and families to receive the life-changing medical care that they need.

For this year’s calendar, we have therefore chosen the theme of ‘Making Way’ because just like roads, paths and bridges, New Sight makes a way where there might not have been a way otherwise! We also want to wish you a year of new ways, opportunities and possibilities, and to thank you for giving new life through your support for New Sight!

Along with this year’s calendar, we have created a card for you to pass on the encouragement and support to a friend. Hope you and your friend will enjoy it!

Love from Cherissa, Ezra & Karis  (Ages 18, 15 and 13) 

PS: Here’s a video we made.  It is about how we kids can make a difference!

Samoutou kids in blue african clothes and smiling

“如果你走在正確的道路上,並且願意堅持走下去,最終你會取得進展。” ~ 巴拉克·奧巴馬


你好!從剛果問候大家!你知道嗎,90% 的失明和視力喪失是可以避免的?但遺憾的是,在剛果,許多人無法獲得眼科醫療服務。自 2012 年以來,由我們的父母創立的慈善機構目養計劃(New Sight)一直在幫助剛果的盲人重見光明。我們正在韋索建造一所全新的醫院,如果神容許,眼科大樓將於 2024 年投入使用!醫院的地理位置優越,將為更多病者和家庭提供所需的醫療服務,改變他們的生活。


除了今年的月曆,我們還為你製作了一張卡片,你可以傳遞鼓勵和支持給朋友。 希望你和你的朋友會喜歡!

來自曉恩、耘恩和皿恩的暖心信函(18、15 和 13 歲)
