"Mountains for Sight" Calendar Order Form 「向山舉目」月曆訂購表格
The 2025 calendar features mountains to celebrate the summits that we have conquered together! 2025年月曆以山峰為主題,慶祝我們一起越過不同的高峰!
HK$100 each, buy 10 and get 1 free!
每本港幣 100 元,買 10 送 1!
HK$1000 = 1 cataract surgery
港幣 1000 元 = 1 次白內障手術的費用
How many would you like? 請問你想要幾多本?
HK$100 each, buy 10 and get 1 free (11 for HK$1000)
每本港幣 100 元,買 10 送 1(11 本只需港幣 1000 元)
HK$1000 = 1 cataract surgery
港幣 1000 元 = 1 次白內障手術的費用